It is finally Friday. And if you are in one of those areas where it is forecast to rain this weekend, you may find yourself watching a film. If you do, then xkcd has a post that will help you identify the movie by its background scenery.
Where in the United States is your film’s protagonist?
Personally, my favourite is the reference to the Grand Banks in Hunt for Red October.
Did you go to the cinema in February? Well, according to some research done by Slate, what you watched probably sucked. I’m just glad I never went last month. Maybe March will be a little bit better.
Bad films seem to define February
Credit for the piece goes to Chris Kirk and Kim Thompson.
Of the acting and directing world over time. This interactive piece from the New York Times charts the networks between actors and directors. The networks on the right while examples and stories are located to the left. When you scroll to an example, the network to the right is highlighted in yellow. If you click a link, you are taken to the IMDb page for that particular film. A really nice piece.
Networks of actors and directors
Credit for the piece goes to Mike Bostock, Jennifer Daniel, Alicia DeSantis, and Nicolas Rapold.
It’s Oscar time. And not in the it’s time for grouchy, can-living commentary. It’s as in movie award time.
How are films promoted? Often through trailers and teasers. But how are those made? Well, the New York Times dissected trailers for five of the nine films up for best film. The piece looks at where the films are cut and spliced to create a 120-second-long overview without ruining the plot. And as it turns out, different types of trailers have different systems for cutting up those films.
Argo's Trailer
The piece is made even better through the annotations associated with different segments of the different films. This paired with the introductory text makes the diagram of the film trailers intelligible to the reader. And then of course you can click on the still and see the actual trailer. A solid piece, all around.
Credit for the piece goes to Shan Carter, Amanda Cox, and Mike Bostock.